=========== Answer 1 ===========
I also had an issue like this, but it was as a buyer not seller.
After waiting 1-2 week (I can't remember how long, its been a while), I contacted GoDaddy Support. I never got any reply from them, but after a couple of days, I had the domain in my account.
So you should try contacting GoDaddy Support maybe that will help.
Congratulation with the selling and lets hope the buyers has not run away from the deal.
Best regards,
M. Unal
=========== Answer 2 ===========
Thanks M. Unal.
=========== Answer 3 ===========
I had a similar situation, where someone was trying to sell a domain they did not own. If you fail to get a response from the seller, dispute it with GoDaddy within 15 days or they will release your funds to the seller, even if they didn't transfer the domain. Their system is majorly flawed, and I almost lost out on mid $$$. The fake seller finally got in touch with me, but was playing dumb to get past that 15 day window so they would receive the funds. It took GD about a week to finally refund my money, but the entire experience left a bad taste in my mouth.
=========== Answer 4 ===========
wiztechie, this must be resolved by now but to answer your point, most likely the emails you sent the buyer thru the EMAIL BUYER link on GD were falling in his junk folder, that happens ALL the time since buyer and seller don't normally know each other and cannot expect mail from a specific address, but the record you emailed the buyer asking for his Namecheap acct # stays w/GD, BUT....next time, before you send messages thru GD's IM, copy the text, date it and save it in case the other guy files a dispute that you never gave him the name, emails sent thru EMAIL SELLER/BUYER links have the buyer's or seller's addresses as the sender and not Go Daddy's, they'd save so much trouble if they made the sender's address Go Daddy, this has happened to me so many times on both sides, I'm so used to it
I have no idea how it ended in your case but it was the other party (buyer) who was required to file a dispute within 14 days of END OF AUCTION TIME and not within 14 days of when his payment cleared, if he didn't file a dispute you'd get paid regardless unless you volunteered and told them he never answered in which case Auction Disputes at GD can simply contact him, if/when the guy is heard from eventually, you simply tell GD you tried thru their IM and he never answered, the records are there. What pisses me off about GD is they changed the system from 30 days from end of auction time to just 14 days w/o any notice, I bought a name right after, I wasn't getting it and they told me to eat the loss cuz I had complained like 25 days after and the rules had changed, they did the same when they increased the GD Auctions commission from 5% to 10% and they did not tell clients, I got caught again right after the change selling a name cheap and they took 10% all of a sudden, had I known I would've demanded a higher price
As far as GD corroborating the transfer of registrants has taken place before paying you (the seller) it mostly depends on what the buyer would've asked you to do, some buyers demand a transfer to GD, others are OK w/a push to their Namecheap acct, so I'd say that unless a dispute is filed within 14 days of END OF AUCTION TIME (remember that) the seller gets paid (I'm not even sure they ck the WHOIS when the domain is not at GD before paying the seller), if the seller is asked to transfer the domain later by GD and he doesn't, then he gets banned for a while I guess even when the buyer did not file within the deadline. And if the buyer is the one who doesn't pay, likewise. But they're rather easy on the seller when he sells a name he doesn't own (by mistake or even deliberately), I think the penalty is just $10 and maybe a temporary ban. But a buyer who doesn't pay for a name does get banned
=========== Answer 5 ===========
How to Raise the dispute on GD? I recently won a domain but the seller is not responding me (even after telling him my GD a/c details ) and it seems like he's waiting for the 14 days window to run away with my money. Its already been 9 days since I won the auction and paid instantly. Please tell me HOW to file the dispute at GD
=========== Answer 6 ===========
I may be late for the case you raised here based on the date of post, but for next time, around 10 days after auction ends email auctions@godaddy.com , you may or may not get an incident #, if you don't then resend 12-24 hrs later, but this time to support@godaddy.com and here you will get a ticket #. That way you've logged the incident and complied w/the rule of disputing within 14 days. If the seller does not push the domain to you then they'll refund you and fine/ban the seller.
If you're the seller next time and it's the buyer who doesn't pay then there's really no need for filing a complaint since their system won't allow your domain to be pushed to the buyer's account (it's now all automated if the domain is w/GD, buyer doesn't have to approve pushes to his account anymore, seller doesn't have to approve pushing the name out, names are moved automatically)
I hope the case you mentioned below ended well (like I said before: many times the seller/buyer simply does not get the email coming from the other side thru GD's messaging system ("EMAIL BUYER/SELLER" link) due to spam filter, falls in junk, etc - the sender is usually unknown to the other party, and it is the seller's/buyer's email address that appears as the sender and not Go Daddy's)